As a product developer myself, I really like this essay! I always wondered how to build a magical moment. But it always get lost in the technical details. Looking at it from a different lens helped a ton!

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Glad you have more clarity on building magical products Dulitha! Thanks for reading :)

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Congrats Vijay. This piece is awesome.

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Appreciate you reading Stefan! Glad you enjoyed it :)

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Ah, so many unexpected turns, Vijay. It was like magic unfolding. I loved the surprises, but perhaps especially: "My Brooklyn halal street cart vendor, the guy on the corner of Flatbush and Atlantic, might just be the best product magician I’ve ever met." An EXCELLENT read!

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TYY Alissa!! Glad I could add a little magic :D and lol he's really a fan favorite, *must* try when you visit nyc hahah

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Love it! Really fascinating read :)

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Appreciate you reading Sam, glad it resonated -- hope it sparks some magic :)

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Vijay, this is incredible - it IS an essay that ONLY YOU could write. There are so many examples with so much feeling - like Anna wrote the vignette about the shawarma vendor, you transported me right there.

Also - there are so many parallels for writing - starting with the end in mind and then working your way backward to the reader to co-create with them the journey forward with words while encompassing the vibe.

Thank you for this!

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Hahah YES!! def agree with your idea about there being a parallel to writing -- it's totally a *product* we're sharing with our world! Thanks for reading James, glad I could add a little magic and hope it sparks something for your next pieces!

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Vijay George

I was sooo looking forward to this one! That poetic ode to a shawarma vendor wins "the best imagery ever" award from me, hands down. I could taste that childhood magic through your words. You also inspired me to rewatch the film and to "decode" an emotional response tech products awaken in me in my daily life lol. Can't wait for Act II ✨

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Thanks Anna!!! Hahaha omg if you ever get a chance on a visit to NYC, you *must* go to the halal cart! Glad the piece could bring a little magical taste and hope it sparks more magic in your life (and your emotions w/ tech products) 🌟

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"know vibes, then build" -- I love this. Also, generally digging the overall intersection of things happening here. Great piece, Vijay!!

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Thanks Sandra!! Glad you vibed with it ;D

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